1、电解:导电液体在通电时产生分解的现象称之为电解,比如通过电解为H z和O z。
Theory 0f electrophoresis coating
unde r the function of aPPIied eIectric field,the cation water paint haS eIectrophoresiS,
electroph0 resis,electrodeposit and elect roosmose throuah electroPho tresiS,SO as to coat
the paint pa rtiCIes on the SU rface of cathode pa rts and fOrm an antico rrosion coat.ThiS coatinq process is called eIectrODhOretic coating.
1.EIectrolysis:The Phenomenon of decomposition OCCU rs wheneve r the conductincl IiaUid iS
electrified iS caIIed eIectrolysiS,SUch as wate r can be eIectrolyzed as H2 and 02:
2.EIectroPho resis:The P rocess of Charged COIIoidaI particIes moving to the pa rts Under the function ofvoltage is called eIectrOphOresis;
3.EIectrodeposit:The process of cha rge COIIoidaI particles depositincj on the parts and fOrm a paint coat is called eIectrOdeposit;
4.EIectroosmose:Under the COntinuous function of electrice field.the wate r COntent inside paint coat dialyzing out and movincj tO tank IiaUor and dehyd rate the paint coat iS caIled eIectroosmose