·喷淋式前处理系统采用离心水泵通过管道由喷嘴 形成高压雾效果,达到清洗目的,其优点在于高雾化效果,使工件表面清洗干净,而且循环使用清洗液,从而达到环保的目的,容易形成批量生产,效率高,广泛应用于家用电器、五金、灯饰、玩具、汽车零件等行业。主要组成结构:水箱、水泵、管路、喷嘴、室体、加热系统。
·Many parts have oil stain.rust and scale on their surface before the spray-coating step,which may seriouslyimpactthe spray-coatingquality.
The pretreatment equipment can design the most aPP roP riate soIution according to the need s of different processes.sO as to protect the metal parts
from being influence.
·Pretreatmentpriortocoating consistsofthree parts deg reasing,derustingandphosphating.
·Manual channel-type pretreatment.applicable to complicated and heavy parts su rface,is of t he advantagesofsmallland areandlowinvestment.
·Fixed channel is instaIled acco rding to the requi rements of pretreatment process,and the
conveyor line passes the fixed channel for surface cleaning purpose.
·SP raY-tyPe P ret reatment sy stem adopts a centrifugal water pump and achieves high-pressu re pulverization effect through the nozzles,so as t0achieve the goaI of cleaning.It、s advantage Iie in thehigh Dulve rization effect which cleanses the partssurface